Predictions for extra-terrestrial life in our solar system


My prediction for Mars is the most complicated. I wager that life will be discovered here first in the form of microbial colonies, and maybe stuff like lichens. I bet this will be discovered before the end of 2030. I think there will be a huge debate though, because I think that it will be discovered that there are many many genetic similarities between indigenous Martian life, and indigenous Terran life. I think it will start this whole debate about where bio-genesis occurred, where it occurred first, if it occurred more than once, and if panspermia played a role in Martian and Terran life. My prediction is that it’s going to take another century to get to the bottom of it, but they’re going to find that bio-genesis happened on both Earth and Mars independently, and then, thanks to panspermia, the two biomes got all tangled up together.

Europa and Enceladus

I’m putting these two together because as far as I’m concerned, they’re basically the same thing. A ice ball with a warm salty ocean inside it. I predict independent bio-genesis occurred here, and that at least some of the sea creatures are going to resemble fish. There’s not a much more efficient shape for moving through sea-water than a fish. Where life gets discovered first is really up to where the exploration is done first.


My prediction for Titan is that life will be discovered sometime after one or both of the icey/watery moons I mentioned above. I’m predicting that the life there will be more advanced than Mars, but less advanced than Europe/Enceladus – maybe bugs? Or something that resembles bugs?


SURPRISE! I think that after Titan, life will be detected in the form of mico-organisms in the upper atmosphere of Venus. That’s gonna get the eggheads thinking that they need to check the atmosphere of the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, and the ice giants Uranus and Neptune. And that’s not to say that they aren’t already – I just don’t think humanity knows exactly what to look for there yet.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

See above


Our moon, Luna, is contaminated with a bunch of tardigrades (a.k.a. water bears). I don’t know if they’re still alive, or if they’re dead, or dormant or what. My wager is that those are the only organisms up there.



Every other celestial object in our solar system that is known to science. (some examples are the Main Asteroid Belt, The Kuiper Belt, and the Oort Cloud. And there’s a ton of other things like dwarf planets and transient comets and stuff)

Probably nothing


The same people that told you that there are only three states of matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas, are the same people that say that there’s only one planet in the circumstellar habitable zone of our solar system. There are three. Venus, Earth, and Mars. Venus had a run-away greenhouse effect and it’s an oven. Mars was too small for an active core to produce a magnetic field to shield it from solar radiation, so its atmosphere was ablated away. Earth didn’t have a run-away greenhouse effect, and we have a nifty magnetic field that mitigates atmospheric ablation. That’s why you’re reading this and we don’t have neighbors.


Oh my gosh I forgot Ceres! I bet there’s some organisms there, too.

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